About Us

Our Mission
To provide trusted, reliable and environmentally friendly natural products, to enhance health and well-being of yourself and family.

Our Vision
To contribute tender, loving, kindness back to our nature earth.

Our Story
Today, we must acknowledge the fact that humans have contributed much pollution to our mother nature, EARTH. Human activity is putting such strain on the natural functions of Earth and the ability of the planet’s ecosystem to sustain future generations can no longer be taken for granted.As we increasingly aware of how toxic in an environment can harm us, we must take steps to minimize the impact on ourselves and our family. With Pink Wellness, we hope to contribute our part to better living planet by choosing eco-friendly products.

Pink Wellness is based in Singapore, aims to educate the masses to take steps in taking care of themselves and family. The products we carry are produced with pure and natural plant-based ingredients.

With us, we will like to create Pink of Health, Wellness to you and those around you.